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We offer consulting services on your project

Regardless the size of your renovation or new home we can help.

If you are:

  • An Owner / Builder
  • Working with a contractor
  • Just looking into building

We can help guide you to through the process from:

  • Determining the size and budget of your project
  • Where to get plans drawn
  • Permits
  • Selecting Contractors, Sub Contractors and Material suppliers
  • Code issues
  • Conflict resolution
  • Updating budgets and schedules

There are a lot of places for things to go wrong on a construction project. Through email or Skype consulting we can help you organize and build your dream. Whether you are working with a contractor or as an owner / builder we can provide whatever assistance you need to complete your project on time and budget.

Please contact us at steve@precisiondesignbuilders.com for more information